
All the classes at the Studio are taught in the Iyengar Yoga tradition based on the work of BKS Iyengar.
Iyengar Yoga is known for its precision and focus on alignment which brings balance and integration to both body and mind.
Practised over time Iyengar Yoga develops stability, strength, suppleness and a calm, measured approach to life.
Classes are structured to suit all levels of Yoga experience and ability.
Briefly they are as follows:

Level 1/Beginners
To help students new to yoga to connect to their breath and their bodies and to use that connection to gently nudge their body into letting go areas of tightness and holding. We do this through the exploration of all the basic yoga asana (poses) using props and supports unique to Iyengar Yoga to 'feel' the correct energetic and structural alignment.

Level 2
A natural follow on from level one. As we become more aware (and grateful) of the daily benefits of a regular yoga practice, it deepens and inversions become a part of our regular practice. More focus is given to the art of pranayama (skillful breathing) and the philosophy of Yoga as a way of living.

Level 3
For the more advanced practitioner who has an on-going committment to deepen their understanding of the 8 limbs of Yoga

Class numbers are limited and attendance is on-going to ensure a quality of tuition and to develop the depth of understanding not possible with casual attendance.

Visiting Iyengar Yoga practitioners are always welcome. Please contact us first to check when we have a space for you.