For Your Information

What is Iyengar Yoga?
Iyengar Yoga is named after the late BKS Iyengar, one of the foremost yoga teachers in the world.
BKS Iyengar created this form of yoga based firmly on the traditional eight limbs of Yoga.
He introduced the use of props such as blocks, belts and bolsters to assist in correcting body alignment. These props allow students of all levels to experience the benefit of achieving many asanas (poses) that would otherwise be unattainable.
An Iyengar Yoga class pays particular attention to the sequencing of asanas to ensure that a healthy central nervous system is maintained and brought into balance. BKS Iyengar also applied his knowledge to assist sufferers of many illnesses and chronic body pain.

What should I wear to Yoga?
Comfortable exercise clothing that does not restrict movement - e.g. shorts, tights and a T-shirt. Our studio has a heated floor so even in winter you will be comfortable.

Can I eat or drink prior to a Yoga class?
It is best not to consume food within at least one hour of Yoga practice. Keep to light food that is easy to digest.
Do ensure that you are well hydrated especially in the warmer summer months by drinking water regularly leading up to the class. We do not encourage drinking during class.
Good body hydration will help prevent any muscle soreness the following day. No alcohol is to be consumed prior to class.

What if I have health issues?
Should you experience headaches, eye problems, ear-ache, colds, back, neck or knee issues,high blood pressure or any other heart condition you should inform your teacher before class.
If you are taking any form of medication please advise your teacher. Your teacher is there to guide you and must know of ALL health issues.
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What if I am pregnant or menstruating?
Some Yoga asanas are not recommended for women during pregnancy or menstruation. Your teacher will be able to assign you more appropriate work during class so it is most important to inform your teacher of your condition.

What should I bring to class?
Our studio is fully equipped so there is no need to bring anything except an open mind.
Some practitioners do prefer however to bring their own mats to class. It is completely up to you.
Please arrive at least 10 minutes before commencement of class especially if it is your first class.
Arriving late can be disruptive to everyone.

What will it be like in my first class?
You should never have to feel self-conscious or nervous in your first class as all students soon realise that no one is judging anyone and the energy of the class is very supportive.
To help introduce interested people wishing to explore Iyengar yoga a five week Introductory special deal (five classes for $120) is offered when you first enrol in the 6:00pm - 7:15pm Wednesday Beginners class